Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Battered Wife Syndrome - 1487 Words

Abuse continues to be a significant problem nationwide, shattering the lives of many. It is hard to imagine the domination that the abuser exercises over the abused, the danger that they feel, and the violence and fear that traumatise them. Violence is not a private matter. One cannot draw the curtains and forgive and forget, society must intervene and offer help and comfort. However, sometimes the help offered can be inadequate and illogical. Battered wife syndrome (a condition created by sustained physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, which creates a variety of physical and emotional symptoms) has been used as a defence in murder cases in which women have killed or harmed their abuser. Although expert testimony regarding battered†¦show more content†¦However this self-defence does not warrant in death or critical injuries. There are almost always non-violent routes one can take and in the case of abuse there are many options, such as using the law to ones advantage, ta king up residence in a safe house and calling for help. It may not be easy to find the courage to leave but if one has been able to survive the detrimental effects of abuse, then one can have the audacity to leave. Options that harm people become morally unacceptable when less harmful options exist. Murder can never be morally permissible. It can be excused, but not justified. There is an extreme difference. If we ever allow murder to be morally permissible, we violate the most basic right, the right to life. The respect of human life achieves morality, while using deadly, deliberate force against repeated cruelty does not. Although the abuse victim may be robbed of liberty and happiness, they still have the opportunity to regain it because they are alive. Life provides the opportunity to exercise all other rights, and therefore, it is more valuable than all other rights. A victim’s use of deadly force would therefore be disproportionate and morally impermissible as the victi m becomes everything they are hiding from. If violence begets violence, it is only a matter of time before civilized society distils down into anarchy. The battered wifeShow MoreRelatedThe Case Of Jack And Samantha950 Words   |  4 Pagesconvicted of knowingly endangering the welfare of a minor. She has appealed her conviction by trying to introduce expert testimony regarding the battered wife syndrome. I believe that this case is different. In many of the battered wife syndrome cases we have learned during this class and after watching the movie â€Å"Burning Bed†, it was direct husband to wife, or sinifigent other, that was exprencing the physical abuse. 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However, one may believe â€Å"battered women syndrome† should be used asRead MoreGeneral Characteristics of Battered Woman Syndrome1700 Words   |  7 Pages Battered Woman Syndrome An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. A surfacing psychological condition known as Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS), develops after experiencing physical and emotional abuse over an extended period of time. BWS has been subcategorized as a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, proving that it is indeed, a very serious and severe condition. Battered Woman Syndrome causes severe, emotional and psychological trauma inRead MoreFoucault s Theory Of Individual Power And Knowledge1596 Words   |  7 Pagesis now resulting in a spouse being labeled with the brand of â€Å"battered woman’s syndrome† and it opens the door for a many unanswered questions, and is debatable at best. In the case of Francine Hughes Wilson, â€Å"The Burning Bed† shed new light on the ever growing problems within a domestic abusive relationship and gave way to social change, knowledge and empowerment within such situations. One must question if â€Å"Battered Women’s Syndrome† is a mental illness or an excuse for murder without consequencesRead MoreJustice For The Beaten Down Victims Of Murder925 Words   |  4 Pagesdefended myself to the point where I took the life of a coward who abuses women. When classifying self-defense where a battered woman kills her abuser by acting out of fear for her own life, the background evidence needs to be more heavily evaluated because at times what cannot always be legally proven as self-defense is the only way out of the nightmare. For cases where a battered woman has suffered severe psychological and physical abuse at the hands of her husband, she becomes so mentally brokenRead MoreBattered Women Syndrome Essay8371 Words   |  34 PagesBattered Women Syndrome The Battered Women Syndrome is a series of characteristics in women who are physically and psychologically abused by an important dominant male in their lives. These women learn helplessness and dependency; sometimes these characteristics originate from childhood. According to Dr. Lenore E. Walker, a woman must experience two cycles, before she can be labeled a â€Å"battered woman†. The two cycles are called the â€Å"cycle of violence†. This cycle leads to the feeling thatRead MoreBattered Woman Syndrome: Self-Defense Plea Essay1493 Words   |  6 Pagesoneself against violence or threatened violence with whatever force or means reasonable or necessary. According to an expert on battered women, a woman must experience at least two complete battering cycles before being labeled a battered woman. (Walker) According to Dowd, â€Å"he believes the proper use of BWS assists the fact finder to understand the state of mind of the battered woman at the time she fought b ack against her abuser.†(1) Women should be able to use BWS as a plea when habitual abuse occursRead MoreUse of the Battered Woman Defense in Canada1337 Words   |  6 PagesThe battered woman defense is a defense that is used in court to defend assault/murder charges where the defendant is abused and commits a offence under duress or necessity. It is mainly used by women and also referred to as the battered woman syndrome/battered wife syndrome. It is not gender specific as men have used this defense but the majority of the accused are female. The argument consists of a woman who are physically assaulted or sexually assaulted, who in their mind thinks they deserve

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